17 March 2007

On this day

"On this day in 1992, nearly 69 percent of white South African voters backed F.W. de Klerk's reforms—which included the repeal of racially discriminatory laws—and effectively endorsed the dismantling of apartheid."

My daily email from Encyclopedia Britannica took
back my memory to that day in South Africa. I went down to the Rennish High School, where the voting poll for my ward was located. There was a strong upcome at the voting polls. Although there were some misgivings in my mind over the prospects of a fundamental change in South Africa, given the glaring examples north of South Africa's borders, I still did vote with hope and some sense of idealism. I voted for change.

The change did come, in droves, and the watershed was perhaps that day when the white electorate set in motion the process that removed their exclusive hold on power in South Africa in 1994.

On Friday, 3 March 2007, my Green Card arrived in the mail. It was highly anticipated since November last year, when the INS had informed my verbally that my application for permanent residency was in order. There was a sense of relief on the one hand and achievement on the other. Many would give much to have this status. Yet, in a sense, it felt like the dog that had caught the car. What did I intend to do with this residency? Eventually, I would want to return home, in South Africa.

Now, the future is open-ended. Where does my path lead? What are my goals? Things certainly do no lack potential. I am well qualified and have a steady job. It is up to my imagination, dedication and endurance.

In five years, on this day, where and what would I want to be? That is the question, on this day. And I wonder - where will my country be?


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