17 September 2006

For a moment

Last night, for a moment there was a bond, a brotherhood, a sense of belonging. We were driving back from a night out in Brighton. Leslie went into a brooding mood and found punk rock to suit on a university radio station. We briefly talked it over and I realised that too often my mood took a similar turn. We related. Common ground was struck as the RSX snarled through the night, expressing the darkness within in sympathy with the anger without, pouring from the speakers.

I sat in silence with closed eyes and let the robust music steal me away to a sanctuary where mates retreat in quiet solidarity - no intrusion, no disturbance. The lonely flight where eagles soar became his and mine. For a brief moment time paused. Everything came back to me there in the gloom. Long forgotten faces and distant places, the present flowed into the past. Indeed, love was one prolonged goodbye; friendship but a fleeting moment.

For a moment it was mine to savour. But the moment was over all too soon.


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