08 February 2007

To be a man

What does it take to be a man?
What does it take to see
Its all heart and soul
A gentle hand?
So easy to want and so hard to give
How can you be a man
till you see beyond the life you live?
Oh, what does it take to be a man?

Is it in the size?
Perhaps, a battle of the bulges?
Or, more likely in the score:
"Dude, watch me, tonight I'm going to get laid"
Oh that calls up fine company: Beer, bollocks and brawn
Maybe the tomcat brigade has it all in the bag
To sow one's seed widely indeed
Genghis Khan would be proud, I say
And very few else, I'm afraid

And yet, not always does majority vote
Have the final say or board the last boat
For somewhere in that fabulous code
Lurks persistently a more delicate mode
Of manliness, often despised, yet somehow
By that very code not yet forsaken


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