31 October 2006

Mind the gap

"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform."

"Please mind the closing doors."

"This is the District Line service to Wimbledon."

"The next station is Parsons Green."

That was our stop for 10 days. For 10 days I could pretend to be a local, with an address in Fulham, a mobile with a London number and the strongest currency in the world in my wallet. I went shopping at Marks & Spencer and faced the banking beaurocracy at HSBC. I went for a few pints at night at the local pubs and clubbing on weekends. But at daytime I gave it all away with my camera and backpack and gapes at the scenery.

London neither accepts nor rejects one. The City just flows around one. It still is at the centre of the world as I know it. Best for shopping, best for financial services, best for entertainment, best for variety with class of all sorts. From Camden to Portabello, from Islington to Kensington, London presents a variety show without match in the West.

Westminster probably still presents the most revered houses of parlement anywhere in the world, Tony Blair notwithstanding. Some of the finest parlementary debates have been recorded in those halls. I caught the famous night view of Westminster across the Thames on silicon.

The City charms and frustrates in equal measure. But one learns to take it all in one's stride while keeping up the appearances in proper stoich fashion. London frowns upon outbursts and tantrums - that's so improper. The 6pm rush hour on the tube is a particularly trying exercise in proper London behaviour. Squeezing in will not do - very rude indeed. One will wait for the next train.

But England has a countryside too. And cathedrals. We went to see Cantebury Cathedral, but the town itself was picturesque beyond imagination. I had the best salmon ever for lunch - a reprieve from 15 years of cullinary boredom since I had a most unforgettable breakfast of sole in mushroom sauce on vacation at my old school mate's.

I went on my own mission to a village called Shere, near the famous Sherewood, where Robin Wood once had roamed as legend would have it. Went to visit an old South African mate. He drove a Mercedes 350 SLK. Lovely. Fast too.

Traffic around London and on the freeways were painfully congested. Getting out of London en route to Stonehenge took 90 minutes - partly because we got lost; partly because they closed one lane of a busy two-way road, which we should have missed but for getting lost.

Freeway traffic was much less eratic than in Boston and much less dangerous than in Cape Town. I was beginning to understand why the British prefer to put up with 65million other British on their island. Kindly keep the umbrella at hand, the rest will take care of itself.

Soho took care of a few nights in providing eclectic entertainment. Pubs and clubs were packed in with sex shops and fabulous creatures of the night. I had a brief, pleasurable moment or two with a student chap from - in typical English irony - New York. Nothing on camera, sorry.

Twentyfour hour bus service does keep one from spending the night in the gutter, but after hearing Leslie's complaints over the route and schedule, I decided to press through until the first tube service resumed on my nightly endeavours. Still, Boston should look and learn and tax and spend. We need publich transport over here at the wrong side of the pond - real public transport.

The Tube is the next best thing after the U-Bahn of Munich. The Tube is just everywhere - like the veins in a body. And those ubiquitous red busses are a treat to savour. Who needs a car in London? Why do they have traffic jams in London? Perhaps only Tony and the Queen need cars. Really now. But stay away from Earls Court. It is rubbish. Needs a revamp.

Then it was over. As I shuffled through the security checkpoint my heart was heavy in my shoes. Politely they did not ask for taking off my shoes. I made a last phone call to my mother as the flight was boarding. A last 6h on British soil were left of a glorious 10 days, albeit suspended on wings in midair, which was promptly stretched to 7h after Heathrow had closed a runway, causing a delightful air traffic jam - on the ground.

The cattle queue at Boston Passport Control did little to welcome me back. I did not want to be back. I was looking for the next flight to Heathrow.
[Photo's to follow per URL to Yahoo Photos].

29 October 2006

Past, present and future

Dis die oomblikke wat tel. Ek sal altyd die eerste oogopslag onthou: Hy daar by sy rekenaar in die middel van die kantoor, 'n donderwolk bo sy kop omdat die damn C++ kode nie na sy wil buig nie. Hy't daar pens en pootjies in my hart gekruip.

Dit het hom 'n tydjie geneem om my te trust. Een Woensdagaand bel hy: "Gaan ons Akker toe", was sy woorde. Dit was ses maande voor my verhuising na die VSA. Maar sad songs sê dit mos altyd die beste.

Past, present and future
Past - well now let me tell you about the past
Past is filled with silent joys and broken toys
laughing girls and teasing boys
Was I ever in love?
I called it love
I mean - it felt like love
There were moments when...
well, there were moments when...

Die aande in die Akker; die stap teen Stellenbosch berg met sononder; die dag by Kaapstad Internasionaal toe ek koebaai sê vir die lang trek oorsee - dit alles lê wyd en diep in my binneste gesaai. Die email waarin hy my van haar vertel, dat sy die een is, dat hulle die ding gedoen het staan geëts teen die binnemure om my hart. Die herenigings elke einde van die jaar, so asof daar nie nog 'n jaar verby is nie. Die aand wat ek en hy na die club in Kaapstad was, nadat sy hom die moer in gemaak het - die gespin van my gemoed en die blydskap dat hy ook 'n draai in my wêreld gaan maak het - speel soms nog deur my gedagtes.

I would take you where the music's sweetest
And feed you winter fruits and summer wine
Show you things you've only read in story books
If I thought you'd ever change your mind

I would bring you happiness
Wrapped up in a box and tied with a yellow bow
I would bring you summer rain and rainbow skies to make your garden grow
And in the winter snow my songs would keep you from the cold

But what use of flowers in the morning
When the garden they should grow in is not mine
And what use is sunshine if I'm crying
And my falling tears are mingled with the wine

Sy troue was die een wat ek nooit sou mis nie. Dit was my pelgrimstog deur die woestyn, soos die Israeliete van ouds, deur die smeltkroes van selfverloëning na die beloofte land. Ek het in die tuin gepleit; die beker geledig tot die laaste druppel. Die beeld van hom en haar voor die kansel, hand aan hand - dis op my vakansiefoto CD ingebrand, in nulle en ene.

Daardie Dinsdagaand met my aankoms in Stellenbosch het ons 'n laaste maal in die Akker gesit, tot sluitingstyd en kronkelpaaie saam geloop. Die band tussen ons is weereens bevestig en beëdig met gewyde eenvoud oor 'n beker Windhoek en 'n Castle draught. 'n Kort oomblik was die ou Martin weer daar naas my as hy sy twyfel en frustrasie bekla. Maar ek kon sien hoe sy hom reeds oorrompel het. Die verwydering was bykans volbring.

Na die trouseremonie het sy steeds 'n attitude gehad - waarskynlik omdat hy van die pad gery het op terug van my en sy kuier daardie Dinsdagaand. Maar hy het my naam eerste genoem uit die lys van mense wat van ver gekom het vir die troue.

What now my friend?
Now that you left me
How can I live through another day?
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay
Once I could see
Once I could feel
Now I am numb
I’ve become unreal
I walk the night
Without a goal
Stripped of my heart
My soul

Past, present and future

Tomorrow - well... Tomorrow is a long way off
Maybe someday I’ll hold somebody’s hand
Maybe somewhere someone will understand
You know - I used to sing: “A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket”
I’m all packed up and I’m on my way and I’m gonna fall in love
but at the moment it’s doesn’t look good
At the moment it will never happen again
I don’t think it will ever happen again

[Songs uittreksels kom uit Agnetha Faeltskog se My Colouring Book]