16 April 2006

A gaggle of geese

This afternoon, the geese came over for a chat. Actually, I went over to the Charles was more like it. And the geese were there. They seem always to be there - at least nowadays what with Global Warming and the likes. No need to stretch those wings to fly away to distant shores. Why, this shore stays nice and warm. Yes? -10C is not nice and warm, thank you. And ok, yes, you guys were not on the Charles when the mercury plummeted to indecent depths. True. Fine, I was wrong: These geese are not always there. But they were there this afternoon when I went for a walk and ended up having the geese over for a chat.

They clearly were up for it. Mr and Mrs Smartfeather came up for a closer look at this fellow who had wandered down to their shore. They thought it fine manners to start posing, trimming feathers and patching the makeup. This little charade went on for quite five minutes before they decided to say tata and nonchalantly glided off. But not before the whole geese party assembled for a grand farewell parade in front of my Canon, which was having yet another feast within 24 hours. The thing would get totally spoiled at this rate and I might just start to believe that I was a good photographer after all.

Not to be left out of it, Mr and Mrs Greenhead, the little green duck and his less conspicuous mate, came in at a rather steep rate of descend, utterly devastated for being left out and completely head over heels as a result. Well, that was the way I expected them to land, given the final approach for landing. But they pulled it off with miraculous fumble and screeched to a splashing halt with water brakes and air brakes on all at the same time. I couldn't help a smile. If those two were Boeing 757's we would have had all the kings men and all the king's horses out here by now. Needless to say, these two did catch some attention for the day. My Canon got them too.

Thus ended my Easter weekend.


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