07 August 2006

A change of wind

This past Saturday evening I had dinner in Cambridge. The chef was German, from Hamburg. The menu started with a cucumber salad, followed by a salmon and vegetable soup. The main course, to use the proper term, was chicken souté with rice and red peppers. On the point of terminology, entrée is an American misnomer for the main course and what the French instead call the first dish of the meal. Hors d'Oeuvre is another American misnomer which means a side dish outside of the formal meal, therefore, a starter and neither an entrée (French) nor the main course. But then the American public has never shown much understanding for the French.

Desert was mixed, fresh, tropical fruit presented without any adornments. Before you rush off to your Google to find this restaurant in Cambridge, let me dash your hopes. The dinner was private and so was the chef. In fact, I received a lot more personal attention for the rest of the evening from the chef, post desert. Call it cigars and coffee in the study if you will.

We met the previous week in a club in Boston. He caused me to forget what I was about to order at the bar. We spent the rest of that evening talking about German politics. The connection was evident. This past Saturday night moved the connection a whole phase forward.

It is somewhat staggering how unexpected people may meet. For me there has never been a string of social successes with dating. For whatever reason, it would seem to happen rarely, distinctly punctuated by long spells of absolutely zero activity. It takes a lone event of astronomic proportions to bring about any dating in my life.

As fortune will have it, this chap not only is German, which history shows plays to my benefit, but he also spent eight weeks in Stellenbosch at the Wine Research facility of the University of Stellenbosch. Add my favourable disposition towards German culture and we have many points of commonality.

But I have to get my own demons cast out first. Many years of zero success with dating leaves scars and takes a toll. My lack of contention in the physical contest does not add to any sense of self confidence.

All in all, it is a development that leaves a positive imprint on my mind. Where it will lead is yet unclear but I shall give it my best shot for what it is worth.


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